Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Day in the Life II

I forgot an important rule today:  Always have a book or magazine with you.  I learned that rule from my mom at a very young age.  There was always an old Reader's Digest in the glove box of most vehicles.  I didn't have too much "hurry up and wait" time, but I did have some and could have done some reading.  First thing this morning I helped R move 4 cow-calf pairs from the calving pasture out to graze with the rest of the herd.  Then, once again, I spent most of my day driving around and getting nowhere, 65+ miles, delivering lunches and moving trucks from field to field.  I'm not done yet.  Still need to act as a flagger for J when he moves his drill.  It's a blustery day, windy and 35 degrees with some raindrops and some snowflakes.  Kind of missing that 75 degree day we had during the week.  The sprayer was done for the day after lunch due to the cold, but the drills are still going.  Good thing I knew better than to make a plan for the day.  Just disappointed that I missed most of the NASCAR race at Talladega--my favorite track.

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