Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Moving East

I have some catching up to do since my last blog was several days ago.  On Sunday I took lunch to the field again and then went to R's to mow.  I raked up some stuff that his dog had found and brought to the yard and then tried to start the mower.  It started and died a couple of times and then the battery was dead so I gave up.  It was 90+ degrees so I didn't really feel like doing it anyway.  I visited with my mom instead.

M and J stayed in the camper on Friday and Saturday nights, but they came home Sunday night since it was supposed to rain.  And, rain it did, over a half inch, so there was no cutting on Monday.  Everyone but M had a day of rest.  They got back to it yesterday afternoon and finished up the lentils today.....big sigh of relief.

M and J camped out again last night and grilled steaks and shared with R.  I'm kind of jealous of the male bonding, but it's good for them.  P, L and I took lunch over today and started moving stuff back to Richland.  J's combine was broke down when we got there so I had to make a flying trip to Glasgow for parts while they had lunch.  J has been trying to convince M that a new(er) combine is needed.  I think he is finally getting the point across after two breakdowns in two days.  R got to run the other combine most of the day while M helped work on J's combine and then drove truck.  C figures it will be the only time all season that M will be in the truck.  C ran the combine for a little while this morning while M was baling and that will probably be his only combine time.

I moved the grain cart back with the pickup and P brought the tractor and baler which took an hour.  There was too much traffic for me and my wide load.  I was wishing it would have been like Monday when I came home from work and saw one other vehicle in those 35 miles.  I always think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown when I have to drive that slow but 30 mph was plenty fast enough pulling the grain cart.  I also worry about falling asleep but was good there, too.  Wish I could read while driving.  We were home maybe an hour and half before we had to go back to move more stuff back--the combines, trucks, service truck and pickups.  I drove the service truck and flagged the combines back.  We traveled back roads where there would be less traffic (how about no traffic) since it would be dark before we got to Richland.  We got there about 9:00 pm, about an hour and a half later.

Tomorrow they plan to service the combines, switch headers and start cutting some wheat.  Some wheat kernels in the bin will make everyone happy, especially if more rain is coming.

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