Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ready for Vacation

We have had very wintry weather lately with snow, wind and very cold temperatures.  It's WAY too early to be having below zero temps!  One day last week I left work early because it was snowing so heavily and I wanted to get home before dark.  That 35-mile drive can get mighty long sometimes!  I have driven more than enough miles on ice and snow and through blizzards.  I'm really losing interest in doing it anymore.

R went to Missoula last weekend for the Cat-Griz football game and fought bad roads all the way there and back.  He also froze his toes at the football game.  We were happy to watch the game indoors on TV and super happy that our Cats won.  One of the players that isn't a Montana native called it the greatest rivalry in the nation. 

We babysat Trip while R was gone, and he was a very good doggy.  He seems to be healing well from his broken pelvis.  We were pretty worried about him for awhile, but he's bounced back well.  He and Pete actually played together so that's a good thing.  It's taken awhile for Pete to warm up to Trip.

Yesterday we had to be in Scobey (35 miles east) by 9:00 am and in Glasgow (100 miles south and west from Scobey) by 1:00 pm.  Our morning meeting on our CSP projects lasted until 11:00 so we had just enough time to get to Glasgow, get a quick bite to eat and get to our 1:00 meeting.  That lasted about 5 minutes.  I had a medical appointment at 2:00, we got groceries and headed back home.  It was snowing and blowing the whole way but the roads were clear.

M's parents have been stuck in Rapid City, SD with his sister for the past month while his dad has been doctoring.  He was hospitalized last week and released yesterday.  He was supposed to have a stress test the other day.  M suggested that we just pull out the co-op bill from July or the quote we just got on a new combine and see how he handled that stress!  Always a comedian.  Hopefully, they will get on their way to Arizona soon.

Tomorrow we are leaving for Billings and then on Saturday we'll be going to the lovely island of Kauai where we will be for a week.  Hopefully, the roads to Billings aren't too awful.  After this year from hell, M deserves a good vacation, and I guess I have been nice enough to him that he decided to take me along.  So, our Thanksgiving dinner is nothing fancy and just us and R.  We have to pack and get our ducks in a row.

We have so much to be thankful for, a healthy, loving family, a roof over our head and food on the table.  God has truly blessed us, and we will be eternally grateful for all He has done in our lives.

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