Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow Day

I had many important things to do in town today; first of all, go to work, then see my accountant and most importantly, get my nails done.  We woke up to snow and wind so I am staying warm at home instead.  We were up early to try to decide what we were going to do and I started packing an overnight bag. I was pretty sure that if I made it to town I wouldn't get home tonight.  M and J were going to head out in the trucks to haul grain so M said he'd let me know how the roads were.  Before that happened, C called and asked if I was going to work because there was already 6" of new snow on the highway, and he thought M was crazy to try to get to Wolf Point in the truck.  By that time, I had pretty much decided to just stay at home.  M called later to say that they made it to Scobey but couldn't go to Wolf Point because the snowplow went into the ditch three times because he couldn't find the road.  He thought I made a wise decision to stay home.  I am meeting with my accountant via fax and phone.  Too bad I can't meet with my nail technician that way!

Last night we had the boys and K over for an early Christmas since we won't all be together on Christmas day.  M, R and I are going to South Dakota to be with M's parents and sister while J and K look after things at home.  After we ate and exchanged gifts, M and I went to the church for the annual carol service.  I just love the service because it's all music, congregational carols and special numbers by members of the comunity including lots of kids.  I usually sing with a couple of friends, but we didn't get it together this year because of a lack of accompanists--they were all out of town at the same time, how inconsiderate!  I was very disappointed that we didn't get something prepared.

M gave me a Canon PowerShot pocket-sized camera for Christmas.  I love my Sony, but it's too big to take everywhere so I've been wanting a small one that can go along everywhere.  It was a great gift, and I'm so excited to try it out.

I have to say it's kind of nice having the day off so I can get ready to leave home again.  A good day to pack for Arizona!

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