Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Best Laid Plans

I had originally planned to take today off from work so that I could help with wedding preparation.  That didn't happen.  M decided to move from where he was seeding back home to seed a spot that was too wet before.  With more rain in the forecast it was kind of now or never.  So, he needed me and his sister who is visiting to move the trucks first thing this morning.  His mom, sister and her daughter and granddaughter all headed to Plentywood and Scobey to look for furniture and start getting the new house organized for the weekend.  That left me on call for M.

My next mission was to take the seed truck to Richland and load it in the elevator.  I had never done that before so M talked me through it once I got there.  That entailed a lot of climbing up on the truck to adjust the spout, etc.  M once did a swan dive from a grain trailer and breaking both arms doing something similar so he warned me to be careful.  He was surprised that I didn't have any problems.

As soon as I got home I was lunch delivery duty.  I had a cooler ready for M and left it in a truck on my way by and then headed to Opheim to feed the other four guys.  Just before I got to them M called to say that the neighbor called to say we had cows out so could I see if R had time to come help.  I fed R and Jared and left a cooler for J and C.  J was trying out a different drill that the local dealer had promised him weeks ago.  I stopped to see my mom for ten minutes on my way by and then met R back at Richland where he had done some fence repair and given the cows a bale.  They know when it's time for them to be moved and sometimes try to do it themselves if we're too slow.

R went to run M's tractor while he went to spray.  I had to take a truck to town to get a load of fertilizer.  When M finished his spraying he stopped in at the house to wait for R to finish.  It wasn't long before R called to say that a packer wheel and a disc had fallen off the drill.  We went to help him fill the drill and check on the problem.  It's no wonder that R doesn't want to farm--the freak things always happen when he's running.  He's only been on the tractor and drill three times this spring and something has happened every time.  M mentioned that he could get it fixed a lot faster if I came to help him.  I was willing, but he decided I didn't need to.

M took over and moved the drill back to where he had been this morning, R went to see if J needed him, and I finally got to go home and get a shower.  So much for wedding prep today.

M got to bed at midnight last night and was up at 4:30 this morning.  Here it is midnight again and he just got home.  I think he had better hope it rains tonight because he's going to be too tired to work tomorrow.

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