As my sister and I were driving to our mom's on the 4th I commented that I feel sorry for people who have lived in the city all their lives. My sister agreed because "they just don't get it." It was the most beautiful summer day with a clear blue sky and beautiful green pastures and fields. I can't imagine living in a concrete world.
My sister and I took some "nature walks" while she was here. We went down to the pasture near where we grew up and where we used to go to swim in the summer (I'm not sure I did much swimming but I do remember my brothers throwing a frog at me making me fall off the inner tube I was floating on. That was probably the end of my swimming) and a fun place to sled in the winter. I was disappointed that my sister didn't get to see it when the creek was running high, higher than I have ever seen it. There was still more water than normal. These photos were taken by my sister.
Mama duck and her babies at the creek |
The spring where we used to swim |
Today was another beautiful day, and I had great plans to get my house back in order after the busy weekend. I washed sheets and towels and hung them on the clothesline--they will smell so good! M arrived as I was doing laundry and was headed to Richland to start swathing hay. I rode along to bring a pickup back home and as we were driving along he gave me a to-do list. I told him I was going to have to write it all down so I wouldn't forget something.
First, I ordered 4-wheeler parts. Then I went to feed the cats at the barn and get the 4-wheeler to take salt and mineral to some of the cows. I felt like the Pied Piper because they followed me around the pasture--they are a bit too domesticated sometimes! Then I filled in a hole in our road. As I was doing that J called to see if I was home and could help him and R get stuff moved back home.
R called to let me know he was on his way and asked if I could make them some sandwiches. I was out of bread so I ran to my in-laws and stole buns out of the freezer, made sandwiches and picked R up in Richland. J had finished spraying west of Opheim and was moving back here so we needed to get the water truck. We helped J load the sprayer and then took the truck to the next place to be sprayed. Then I had to take R home.
I visited my mom for a few minutes and arrived home about 7:00, five hours after I had left. So much for getting my stuff done today. Oh well, in the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara, "tomorrow is another day".