Monday, July 18, 2011

Holy Horseflies.....and Hotness!

I hate to say it but I'm missing the mosquitoes.  A little itch and it's over with.  Not so with horseflies.  Big red welt that can bother me for days.  This evening I had to walk about 100 yards from one pickup to another and was swatting the whole way and came away with a welt on my leg.  I have never seen them this bad.

Our temps were well into the 90s today and tomorrow is supposed to be the hot day.  We've had thunder boomers the past three nights, just a lot of noise and wind and very little rain.  It's been a bit humid for our neck of the woods so we're longing for some "dry heat".

We had cows out this evening down at the river.  Some cows went under the wire strung across the river and then one finally broke it.  Glad Jared was the one who had to wade across to stretch the wire back up.  He was probably glad for the little dip in the water to cool off.  We don't use our AC very often, but I think it will stay on for a day or two.

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