Today was my maiden voyage on running the grain cart. The plan was that I would just have to run from the combines to the trucks. C was supposed to be there to dump on the trucks. Well, that didn't happen. He was just barely keeping up with getting the trucks dumped and getting back so was never there when I needed to unload the cart onto the trucks. J helped me the first time since I didn't have a clue where the controls were for the cart auger, etc. Have I mentioned that I'm really not that mechanically inclined? (Nor do I want to be).
It didn't take long for J to be tired of having to stop to dump onto the cart so asked if I thought we could dump on the go. M thought we wouldn't do that until my second day. Never know until you try, right? So, J talked me through it and it was fine--in his immortal words "just don't run over the header". So far, so good.
Of course, I got different instructions from everyone on how to load the trucks. There were three semis with different size trailers so they were all different. I told them they needed to put the instructions on how to load them on the side of the trailers so I could remember. Ok, was that two piles in the front and one in the back, or two in the front and two in the back? J and C kept saying that I had to get close to the trailer, but apparently I got a little too close because I had some spillage over the side on my last load. They don't understand that I'm female and don't judge distance well. Plus, I'm too short-bodied to be able to see well into the trailer when I'm dumping. And, I panic when it starts filling up and I have to move because everything goes too fast! I'm sure I'll get the hang of it and feel more confident as the days go by. I didn't break anything or hit anything so that qualifies as a good day.
M was impressed that I had listened to preach through the years to other grain cart operators that they didn't need to let the tractor run all day. I would shut it off and open the door so that I didn't roast. We had some wind, though, so I had to park just right so that the wind wasn't a problem. Just glad it wasn't any hotter today......or any windier!
R called to let me know he needed more money for his fire fighting gear and was surprised to hear that I was on the grain cart. He's getting a taste of the real world--had to shave off his goatee and has to be in uniform for school. He was made a squad leader temporarily--I think it changes weekly. So far he's liking what he's doing so that makes me happy.
Better get to my chores and get to bed. We'll be making another move first thing in the morning.
You should post a picture of what you are talking about. Some of us never used a grain cart. It was straight from the combine to the truck.