Monday, September 5, 2011

Wet, wet, wet

We are still dealing with the effects of our incredible winter and wet spring.  Our day started off with more fencing.  Last night, just before dark a neighbor called to let us know that we had calves out.....again.  We had already chased them in once that day.  We have been wanting to move them but had more fence to fix in the pasture we wanted to move them to.  There's a reason that fence hasn't been fixed yet--it runs through a swamp!  As we were leaving the house this morning I asked if we needed our Muck boots.  No, M didn't think so.  Well, yeah we probably could have used them.  It was a bit wet where we were working with grass and weeds up to our chins.  After much cursing and gnashing of teeth, we had the fence fixed (sort of) and were ready to move the cows.

Of course, those cows have a mind of their own and headed toward every water hole they could where we couldn't get to them.  Pete earned his dog chow and saved the day by swimming across and getting the cows moving in the right direction.  At one point, I couldn't see him and could just hear M yell, "go get 'em" and then a splash, splash, splash, a hesitation, M would yell again and another splash, splash, splash.  Finally, they figured out where they were supposed to be going.

I headed home with the pickup while M moved the salt and mineral tubs.  As I was driving, I heard a funny sound so when I got home I looked and there was a piece of barbed wire sticking out from under the pickup.  Uh oh!  Of course, when M got back and I showed him, he had a fit, and I got "the look" like it was my fault,  but we managed to get it out without much problem.  Who knows where I picked up that piece of wire.

We had a quick lunch and headed to the combines and finally, it was dry enough to go.  They had tried it yesterday and it was still too wet.  They thought they would make good progress until J came on the radio and said "I guess it's still wet here."  He was trying to cut around a spot that hadn't been seeded because it was too wet when he started sinking.  Uh-oh, stuck combine!  They tried to pull it out with the tractor that pulls the grain cart, but it couldn't get good traction.  They called a neighbor and he happened to be close by as was his 4WD tractor so he came to help.  It was a trick to get the grain off the combine because with the combine sunk into the ground the unloading auger in the usual position would hit the top of the grain cart.  We had to leave it all the way back and managed to get it unloaded to lessen the weight on the combine.  The neighbor was able to pull it out with no problem--thank goodness!

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and the guys kept me hopping with the cart and C busy dumping trucks.  No time to read today!

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