Wednesday, November 9, 2011


We had a drastic change in the weather over the weekend with our first snow--and not just a skiff but several inches along with enough wind to create some drifts.  We were not impressed.  We were up early on Sunday morning with the phone ringing.  M had loads of cows and calves to haul and the owners were calling to discuss the roads and weather.  We did our cow chores and discovered one of the waterers was starting to freeze up so M had to get that figured out (which he did) before he took off in the truck.  Since I was dressed for the weather I decided I might as well shovel the drift off the driveway.  As it turned out, I did it way too soon since it continued to snow lightly most of the day.

The snow made for an interesting drive to work on Monday morning.  First I had to get out of the yard with my car.  I made the mistake of stopping to close our gate and couldn't get going again with the slight hill.  I had to back up and take another run at it before I made it out.  The highway was icy in spots--very icy, in fact.  I felt like I didn't have my winter legs under me so it was a nervous drive to town.  Thankfullly, the sun was out and the road had cleared off by the time I headed home.
They looked pretty good for November.....

What a difference a day makes.
Monday was the first day in many months that M didn't have a plan for his day.  He almost begged me to tell him what to do (not really, but it sounded good).  He actually worked on some paperwork without me having to drag him to his desk.  We did more of that on Tuesday morning.  I wondered aloud about when farming got so complicated between crop insurance reports, state land reports and government program documentation.

Tuesday afternoon we hauled some old couches out of our basement to the dumpster and headed to R's house to get it winterized and bring his couch (that he made me buy from him when he left) home.  It made me sad all over again going to his empty house.  M was a bit frustrated that I was not good help with the heavy lifting, but we managed to get everything loaded and unloaded.

Today M was back in the truck so I was on cow chore duty.  It was a beautiful day to be out.  I like to stand at the gate and wait for the heifer calves to come check me out.  I've already picked out my favorites. They are a bit curious, and sometimes they'll come up and lick my hands.  It's also fascinating to watch them stick their tongues up their noses.  Makes me laugh anyway.  Yeah, it's the little things.

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