Sunday, July 22, 2012

Catching Up

I feel like I've been out of touch with my world lately.  I worked a couple of days while my boss was gone, we went to the lake (Fort Peck) for the weekend, I worked Monday and then left Tuesday to go to Rapid City to be with R while he had surgery for an umbilical hernia.  We came home on Friday so yesterday I finally had a day to survey what's been going on.

M and I were up early to go check cows.  He and Jared had moved them on Monday so we don't have to go start the generator and pump water every day.  I wasn't sure of the best way to get there since it is a new pasture for us so I wanted to go along.  Along the way I checked out the radishes and turnips planted as a cover crop.  I hadn't been up that way since they were seeded.  J planted some last year as part of his CSP program and they did amazing things for the land he had them on and were HUGE!  We have peas almost ready to cut and even some of the early wheat is starting to ripen.  The guys are thinking we'll be cutting peas by the end of the week.  I'm not ready for harvest!!

I also went to check on the heifers in a different pasture.  The heifers were all accounted for, but I wanted to check the mineral tubs which were on the other side of a coulee.  M and I had gotten the 4-wheeler stuck there about a month ago, but he assured me I could cross if I didn't "lollygag".  He was wrong!  I just about made it but just couldn't get up the other side.  Pete jumped to safety while I managed to back my way out of it--to my surprise!  I and the 4-wheeler were a muddy mess.

Today I had to run around helping M get his swather and baler moved back home.  I also caught up on laundry, mowed my yard and washed my car.

R will be home now for about a month recovering from his surgery.  He already put in a long day on the swather today which may not have been the wisest thing to do.  There is a hay shortage all over the state but here so the calls are coming in wanting swathing done.  He could be a very busy boy or at least as busy as he wants to be.
A little muddy!

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