Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Done! (sort of)

We finished cutting on Friday except for the few acres we had to leave at Opheim.  It was on some breaking and the alfalfa wouldn't die so they sprayed it again.  J was on his way over with the combine yesterday and blew a transmission line so his combine is sitting by the side of the road just out of Richland.  It's pretty rare that they don't fix things themselves, but he had to call the John Deere mechanic for this one.  It should be under warranty anyway.

While we were having lunch on Friday a neighbor called to say they were working their cows and found one of our calves with theirs.  M sent C to take the rental combine back to town so they could get it cleaned up and ready to go back while we went to get a trailer to get the calf.  As we were on our way, C called to say he was just about to Richland and had blown a back tire.  Bad luck!  The only time he'd been on that combine.  They managed to find a tire and get it put on by the time we got the calf, delivered it to our pasture, and got home again.

Everyone took some much needed time off over the weekend before starting on the "after harvest" list.  M is hauling hay, C is hauling grain and J is trying to get his drill ready to seed winter wheat.  We may need a little rain before he tries to seed, however.  We've had quite a long dry spell.

I finally went back to my job on Monday after five weeks off.  It was good to be back to civilization.

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