Friday, March 29, 2013

From Snow to Slop

We've had a few days now that really feel like spring and around here spring means slop, especially with the abundant snowfall we've had in the past month.  There is water running through the yard and the pens are getting pretty soft.  Funny how when it's messier outside my house stays cleaner inside....because the dog can't come in!  He tries to stay clean, but it's nearly impossible.  We've had some slow calf days, though, with only two yesterday.  Guess the weather is too nice!  Yesterday I went into the barn and it was empty.  Seems like that hasn't happened in quite awhile.

A few days ago we decided to do some animal pen switching to give the cows and calves more room and have them less confined.   The move required a bit of a game of musical pens.  Anyway, now the cows and calves are out in the holding area and the cows yet to calve are in the pens.  It's fun to watch the calves running and jumping and enjoying the sun on their backs. We only have a few heifers left so they are in the corral.  We have easier access to the barn if we need to get a cow in.  It went much more smoothly than M thought it would and really didn't take long at all.  We have our later calvers out in our calving pasture but may bring them in and sort off the ones that look more close to calving.  Every few days one calves out there, and we have to try to get it to the barn which is not always an easy task. 

This morning M wanted to get a truck full of grain screenings up to the neighbor who is feeding our replacement heifers, but we had to do it early while the ground was still frozen.  We woke up to pouring down rain that was freezing.  Needed some ice skates out there, wow, was it slick!  We had a new calf to get in and then M took off with the truck and I brought the pickup with a couple of bales while R did the feeding.  I was pretty nervous about making the turn onto the highway (we've shot off into the ditch there before!), but it was fine.  The road was in perfect condition, not too icy, but not yet thawing.  We left the truck at the neighbors and brought our stock trailer back.  We weren't there long, visited with fencer Bob for a minute and hooked onto the trailer, but by the time we headed home the rain had stopped and the sun was starting to come out and the road had gotten messy.  There's a big hill right before you get back to the highway, and it felt to me like we were going down it sideways....with a trailer behind.  I was holding on tight, but M wasn't too bothered by it.

R arrived back home last night for an Easter break and will be here about a week and a half so he'll be on cow duty while M tries to get some other things done.  He was ready to get away from the city and roommates.  He only has about six more weeks of school but is fretting about what he's going to do with the rest of his life.  His dad has some ideas, but for now he's keeping them to himself.

This time of year I have to put on my Betty Crocker face and do some baking.  Yesterday I made hot cross buns and I'll need to be making M's birthday cake and birthday lasagna this weekend.  I'm sure R was surprised when he came home and my house smelled like fresh baked buns.  He always says there's nothing to eat in my house.....and he's usually right.

Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays, just for the joyful message of hope that it brings.  I hope everyone feels the power of God's love for the world and has a joyful Easter!

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