Everyone comments on how green it is here this year, but as I was looking across the fields the other day it occurred to me that there are so many shades of green. From the mint green of the pea fields to the kelly green of the wheat to the olive green of the grass hills. Throw in the white flowers on the peas, the yellow flowers on the mustard and the purple alfalfa flowers in the hay fields and there is a riot of color. Then add the smells; of the mint in the bogs, the sweet clover and now the alfalfa. I walked out my front door this morning and was assaulted by the beautiful smell of alfalfa. I could go on about the numerous wildflowers, most of which are past their prime by now. One day when they were at their peak we were moving cows and I spent more time looking at the ground to see what was growing than I did watching where I was going!
Some years by this time the dog days of summer have arrived and everything is turning brown, but thankfully, we have had some July rains (affectionately known as "money makers") this year.
I had lots of opportunities to gaze across the prairie today as first I made the trek to check on the solar pump. That's about 8 miles of prairie trail (and 3 gates) to the east and takes about an hour to get there and back. Then later I took backroads to pick up M who was baling even farther east. I enjoy the sight of what some people may call nothingness, just wide open prairie under the big sky.
Peas flowering |
Peas, wheat, lentils and mustard |
Peas, wheat and grass hills |
I love all those colors too. We actually have alfalfa fields here and I just love the smell - especially when we are riding our bikes by one of the fields.