Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This Day in History

November 12 has quite a bit of historical significance in my life.  Some happy, some sad.

I woke up this morning with the thought that my good friend, Wanda, passed away on this day 20 years ago at the age of 29.  It seems impossible that she's been gone that long, and I still cry when I think of her but I'm so thankful that she was in my life for the time that she was.  She was a special person and had so many friends.  She was an elementary teacher and touched a lot of lives.  I'll never forget getting the call that she had passed away just before I was on the way out the door to a parent-teacher conference for J who was in the first grade.  I remember driving to the school thinking that maybe I had misunderstood and she wasn't really gone.  Then I got to the school and told J's teacher who was Wanda's coworker and friend.  Even though her death wasn't unexpected, I have to say it was one of the worst times of my life and my heart was broken.  I still regret that I didn't make the trip to see her one last time.

Fast forward to November 12, 2004.....the day we buried my dad.  Another death that wasn't unexpected and was just as heartbreaking.  I will always miss my daddy, too.

On a happier note, my brother got married on this day in 1977 (even though they were practically children), and she's a keeper!  I was 15 at the time and recall having a good time at their wedding dance. 

And.......possibly most important, I got pregnant with J on this day in 1985.  I don't think anyone wants any more detail on that, but it definitely changed my life!

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