Monday, July 5, 2010

Back to It

We haven't been too busy the past few days.  M is starting to knock some hay down and has been fighting with his baler.  Yesterday morning he was determined to figure out the problem or smash it to pieces.  Luckily, he figured out the problem(s) since I don't want to buy a new baler!!  We did celebrate Independence Day by going to his brother's house for a barbecue and taking in the festivities in Scobey.  We capped off the night by watching the fireworks with J and K.

We had some rain a few days ago and a lot of wind with the storm.  A lot of the grass in the ditches was laid over.  J watched lightning hit a cell tower on his way home and R got caught in some heavy rain on his way home.  We received less than a tenth of rain here, but where M was trying to bale there was quite a bit more judging from the the water holes.  A farm near there recorded over half an inch.  A little rain right now would be good since we had some very hot days last week.

The latest project is spraying on liquid fertilizer as an experiment.  There is such a premium on protein in the wheat (actually, such a discount for protein under 14) and they expect the scales to get worse before they get better with the wet weather all over the country.  They are hoping that the extra fertilizer will boost the protein.  It can damage the plant if sprayed on too heavily or when it's too hot so the guys have been taking advantage of the cool cloudy days we've had to apply some.  They've determined that a 25-bushel crop of 14-protein wheat will bring in more money than a 50-bushel crop of wheat less than 14 protein factoring in the cost of getting that 50-bushel crop to the elevator.  The grain companies dock a lot more for lower protein than they reward for higher protein.  It's really kind of sad that that is the case. 

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