Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Feels Like Summer!

It is almost 90 degrees today so it feels like summer is here.  We've actually had a few nice days in a row now.  M commented the other day that he kind of likes the days where you need a light jacket.  Me too!

Sunday was the big Opheim Rodeo.  I was surprised that both my boys said we couldn't go to the lake because of the rodeo.  I didn't realize that they were such big rodeo fans.  I think actually it's more tradition, the one big thing that happens in Opheim, and they didn't want to miss it.  Also, it's an excuse to sit in the sun and drink beer!  My nephew rode broncs and my niece was in the barrel racing.  It's always fun to watch the locals compete.  The Budweiser Clydesdales were in town and that drew in a lot of people.  They are amazing, beautiful animals.
Today we were up early to move the neighbor's cows.  They live in Harlem, a couple hundred miles away, so we keep an eye on things for them here.  They came up last night so we could start early this morning before it got too hot.  R and I were up to the pasture at 7 on the 4-wheelers while M had to run to Richland to meet the chemical company truck to send back chemical shuttles and pumps.  He caught up with us later.  Neighbor John was on a motorcycle and his wife, Holly, on her horse.  The initial roundup through the first gate went well.  Then we had to move them through CRP with a grove of trees, and they went every which way and a bunch of calves turned back looking for their mamas.  It took a bit of convincing to get them all moving in the right direction again.  M showed up with the pickup and Pete so Pete came with me and was a big help.  We finally got them through the CRP and into the pasture and had a little picnic lunch there so we could keep an eye on the calves and make sure they got mothered up again.  The grass this year is just amazing, and the cows are looking so nice.  The get sleek and shiny this time of year and look their best.  Mandy must be so ashamed of me since I am always forgetting my camera.  I need a smaller one that's easier to haul around.

M and John were still messing around checking his crops, etc. and I realized that I needed to get to town to the post office so I took off.  Our state land reports were supposed to be in by June 15, and we realized yesterday that we hadn't done them so I worked on them last night and needed to get them mailed.  Seems like we are late with everything lately.  I am about ready to burn the stupid farm maps because I am so sick of looking at them after FSA certification, hail insurance, crop insurance and state reports.  We should be done with all the paperwork for awhile--I hope!

1 comment:

  1. You do need to get a little camera to have with you. I'm sure some of your events would be even funnier if you took a photo of them - maybe not the gopher tho :0P
    I would love to see the cows and green grass - gosh I miss home so much... sigh....
