Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Indian Rock Piles?!?!

Harvest continues to roll on.  They have had to make small moves each of the past three days.  Poor L had to help with that on Monday and Tuesday while I was at work so spent many hours in the field.  Today I gave her a break and took my turn.  I made lunch and took it over, and they were ready to move shortly thereafter so I helped with that.  They moved to J's leased land, the last place that was seeded and the place where M got the sprayer stuck.  J saw the tracks for the first time so then understood how stuck the sprayer really was.

I ran grain samples to Opheim to have the protein tested--not as good as the previous place, only 13.4.  I then went to visit my mom.  It had been awhile since I had had time to see her.  We always have enjoyable conversations, mostly about books--so many books, so little time!  I was there a couple of hours and just as I was thinking I should head home, M called to say that his parents were bringing pizzas from Glasgow.  They were in their car so I said I would wait at my mom's and take the pizzas to the field to feed the crew which I did just before dark.

While the guys were having a pizza break, J mentioned the rock piles in the field.  He hit one and a huge rock landed on the canvas of the header and stopped it because it was so big.  He was puzzled as to how a rock that big flipped up onto the header and when he went to move it noticed there were some others piled there.  He thought that a bit odd but continued on and hit another pile and was thinking "what the hell?"  Was someone mad at us and trying to sabotage our equipment or had Indians moved in during the summer and piled them up for some purpose.  No, it was just his dad who had piled the rocks up when he was seeding intending to come with the 4-wheeler and load them up and haul them out and never got to it.  Luckily, nothing was damaged and we all got a laugh over it.  We'd better try to remember to move those rocks after harvest!

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