Friday, October 1, 2010

Badly Broken

It wasn't a good day on the harvest front.  My mother-in-law was making lunch and called about 10 am to let me know that there was a hotdish in the oven and the cooler was stocked and ready, and she was on her way to Plentywood for parts because M's combine was broken down.  Not what anyone wanted to hear.  I knew it was going to happen because last night M said "we've had two uneventful days."  He realized something was wrong right after they got moved last night.  This morning he found a chunk of twisted metal in the grain tank--definitely not a good sign!

When I arrived at the field with lunch I could see that it wasn't good since half the inside of the combine was on the ground.  As it turned out, they sent our nephew for the parts so L didn't have to go.  M, C and J were all working on tearing the combine apart in the meantime while R was running the other combine.  The parts arrived shortly after they finished lunch, and then we started putting it all back together.  Our nephew was worth his weight in gold today because he's the smallest of the group so was the one who crawled into the back of the combine to get things back into place.  We got it all back together and realized that something wasn't right and discovered a piece was put back on backwards. As they were taking it apart I had asked how they remembered how it all came apart so that they were sure it all went back together right.  Apparently, someone didn't remember something correctly.  My theory is that you can never have too many heads or too many hands when tackling a project like that.  Finally, about 6:30 M was back in action.  R had a nice peaceful day in the combine instead of in the trucks, and Trip was happy just to be around people and chase the pigeons that were around the grain bin. 

M hasn't been home in three nights but said he's coming home tonight.  Not sure if it's because he misses me or because he needs clean socks and underwear.

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