Friday, November 23, 2012


I'm now two-plus weeks post surgery and getting better every day.  The compression socks are off so now I can dress myself right down to my socks.  I'm sure M is happy about that!  I am walking really well and getting up and down a lot better.  I can also take stairs like an adult again.  The twinges I was feeling in my hip after surgery from the nerve being so irritated for so long are gone and the feeling is coming back in my foot.  If I could only ditch the stupid, uncomfortable brace and sleep through the night, I'd be great.  The brace serves many purposes though--keeps me from bending or twisting, keeps my belly in and now I have no need for a push-up bra!  Sleeping is a problem because I really only have one comfortable position--on my back--and that isn't comfortable after too many hours.  I am permitted to sleep on my side, which I'd love to do, but it just doesn't feel right and I can't get comfortable although that is getting some better as well.  And, getting in and out of bed is getting to be a cinch.

I've ventured out of the house a few times, but it's a bit icy out and I don't want to fall so I've been doing most of my walking on the treadmill.  We went to a Cat-Griz game party (go CATS!) and went to J's in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner.  I walked to the mailbox one day, and one day I went with M to do chores so I could check out our heifer calves.  I need to spend some time with them so I can make my picks.  Apparently, I picked too well last year because M says that this year we have to negotiate on which ones I get.  I have my eye on a couple as does he.  They are doing well so far and learning the feeding system.  We also have a pen full of the neighbor's calves.  They are a little more flighty so we're hoping we have some success calming them down.  We had a few nice days with temps above freezing, but it's getting cold again so I'm not that excited about going out.  M has been hoping for nice enough weather to get his water project done, but it looks like tomorrow might be it for awhile.  He has still been hauling a few loads of cows and calves here and there but has actually had time to get some things done at home.  I'm feeling bad that I'm no help to him right now and need him to do things for me.  I need a maid.

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