Sunday, November 4, 2012

Shipping Day

It's been a busy weekend on the ranch.  R was home with his cousin and two of their friends and M made good use of the help.  We had to move some cows home from Opheim and pregnancy test them and then round up the big group and move them home.

The "city boys" wanted to help, but sometimes they were just in the way and things didn't go quite as smoothly as they could have.  We had to laugh that after working outdoors all day they came to the house to watch the Oregon football game and all fell asleep before supper. The late night the night before may have contributed to that as well.

Today was shipping day and did not go as smoothly as we had hoped.  The cows and calves didn't want to go into the corral and then cutting off the cows was not as easy as it is sometimes.  The day started out icy as we had rain overnight and then it was sunny and pretty nice for awhile, then the fog rolled in and the wind started to blow.  The trucks couldn't make it up the hill to the neighbor's ranch where we were loading out of so had to take a detour and then had trouble negotiating a corner because it was slick, but they finally made it.  After the trucks were loaded we brought some of the neighbor's heifer calves home.  Once there we had some cull cows to cut out and little chores to do before we could come home to catch the end of the Nascar race.

We just sold steers so far so M has 130 heifer calves to feed for awhile, some of ours and some of our neighbor's.  I'm wondering if he's going to think that is a good idea once his help is laid up (his brother is having shoulder surgery on the 14th).  J will have to bear the brunt of it for a few days while we are in Billings.  He's not fond of cows so we will owe him big time!  Hopefully, free beef for the rest of his life will suffice.

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