Thursday, June 27, 2013

Here Comes The Sun

The newest project around the ranch has been the installation of a solar pump for a stock well.  One of the pastures that we lease doesn't have any natural water, just a well.  Last year we had to run up there every day and start a generator to pump water.  It's about 8 miles through the prairie from our house to the well so it got old before long.  M had done some research on solar systems and talked to a lady at a booth at the MATE show in Billings in February.  They determined what we'd need based on the depth of the well, flow rate, etc. and shipped us everything we'd need.

They had to build a small corral for the solar panel assembly so that the cows couldn't rub on it.  M told R what needed to be done and R did most of it by himself.  Actually, he didn't do it exactly like M had told him because he saw that it wasn't going to be big enough that way.  M was pretty impressed with his work.  R was gone for the weekend so on Sunday M enlisted me to help him put the solar panels up.  Not sure why he decided to have me help him do a job that required lifting and working over my head other than he thought I'd be good at reading the instructions.  We managed to get the two solar panels up on the pole and then added the tracker system.  That allows the panels to follow the sun so you get more bang for your buck. 

The hard part came on Monday when they had to pull the old pump and put the solar pump down and then hook up the electronics.  They seem to have forgotten to send the instructions for that part.  The guys had some trouble getting the old pump pulled out but eventually got it, put the new one in, hooked it up and voila, it works!

M showing our neighbor how the solar system works.

Yesterday M and R moved the heifers up to that pasture and on Monday they moved another group of cows and calves near Richland.  Just one more group to move, but we have more fence repair to do before we can do that.

R was gone over the weekend and left Kobe with us.  Talk about busy with two puppies in the house!  They played well together, but it was a bit exhausting.  Good thing we bought paper towels by the case!  R is a little worried about the payback when he has them both for awhile.
Junior and Kobe taking a break.
 C and J are busy spraying, and they can see the end.  R is gearing up to start cutting hay.  We've had rain showers every few days so the grass is looking great.  Keeping our fingers crossed that we get some sprinkles in July.

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