Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hey, Could You......?

My day....

"Hey, could you watch my dog?  I'm fencing at the river and don't want to take him".  Sure, two puppies will be no trouble at all.  R's puppy (Kobe) is half border collie and have lab and is about 10 weeks old, I think.  Ours (Junior) is full border collie and 7 weeks old.  We haven't had a full-time puppy since 1995 so it's a bit of an adjustment for us.  Kobe is growing by leaps and bounds and looks so huge compared to Junior.  Junior was a bit intimidated at first, but he definitely held his own and let Kobe know when he'd had enough.  It was nonstop motion here for a few hours.  I did have to try to mow my lawn, though, so they went to puppy jail for a little while.

"Hey, could you take lunch to J, C and Jared?"  Uh, sure, but I have two puppies and no ideas for lunch.  No problem, sandwiches all around and Kobe in the dog crate while Junior made the trip to the field.  I think Kobe wore him out because he had a nap in the pickup.

"Hey, could you help us move and give us a ride back to town since it looks like it's going to rain?"  Sure, I have nothing else to do.  That plan changed when a wheel bearing went out of the roller so I just had to flag J to Richland.

"Hey, could you come help me fence?  I need one more hand."  Sure, who needs more than ten minutes at home?  This time Junior went to the crate and Kobe went fencing.  R was stringing out a new wire and needed some help.  I thought I'd just be there for a minute but then he wanted me to start clipping the wire to the posts at one end while he started on the other.  Then it started to rain a little, then harder.  Then we ran out of clips and came home. 

Kobe went home, Junior is taking another nap, and I am having some tea to warm up.  Tomorrow we get to pull things out of cow vaginas (probably in the rain) so stay tuned!

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