Sunday, June 6, 2010

Beautiful Sunday

It was a beautiful day today, sunny, temp in the 70s, just a breeze instead of a gale.  It would have been a great day to go golfing or boating, but no, my husband is obsessed with getting as much spraying done as possible before we go on vacation next week.  J was busy working today, too, working up some trouble spots before M seeds his millet.  I think C and R did more playing than working this weekend.  I did get out for a walk with the dogs and did some yard work to enjoy the day.  I also tried shooting some gophers.  I need some target practice, but I did hit three.  They are everywhere and definitely need to be thinned out.

I had to run to the field twice before noon, once to give J a ride back to town after he brought the water truck up and once to take M a couple of sandwiches for lunch.  I stopped to do the bull count on my way and had a moment of panic when they weren't in the pasture.  They were in the back pens where they go for water.  Whew!  Didn't want to go on a bull hunt.  I also fed the barn cats, but couldn't pet the kittens because they went missing.  M said there was a second batch and told me where to find them, but they too were missing this morning.  Their mothers must have moved them.  Hopefully, we'll see them again.

After M had his lunch, he took me for a ride in the new (to us) sprayer.  The technology is pretty amazing since it does everything, from the steering to shutting off nozzles if you overlap where you've already been to raising and lowering the booms according to the terrain.  M and C have a bit of trouble with the technology and have to call J for the answers to their questions.  We call him the vice-president in charge of technology.  He gets a bit frustrated with the "old-timers."

Yesterday I mowed at my in-laws.  It was clouding up a bit and starting to spit some rain and right after I got home the sky fell in with high winds, rain and some small hail.  It didn't last long, but I was glad I wasn't out in it.  We have a chance of showers again tonight.  We need to keep getting those showers so that the ground doesn't crust where we "mudded-in" some seed and it all comes up well.

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