Sunday, June 13, 2010


We leave tomorrow on vacation so today was a busy one.  I mowed grass this morning and then took a break and watched the NASCAR race.  Then J called and said he and K were taking the fishing boat out on the river so Pete and I went down and went with them.  That was kind of fun.  Pretty relaxing and it was a beautiful day.  Then I had to run my car into Richland for M to change the oil.  After that I brought it home and washed it.
M was busy scouting crops to let C and J know what needed to be sprayed for what.  Then he and R put bulls out into the pastures so they can get to work!  After he changed oil on my car he decided to go spraying so I walked 2 miles to bring his pickup back.  I thought I was 2 for 2 because I left with 2 dogs and came home with none.  Cruiser got pooped out so I was going to pick him up on the way back, but he wasn't on the road when I came back.  Pete had taken off after a deer so I had no idea where he went.  He was on the road and just about back home when I caught up with him.  Cruiser had apparently lost sight of me so turned and went home.
M has not been feeling well the past couple of days so I hope he snaps out of that.  He really needs this time away, and I hope he gets to relax.  I'm trying to get my toes done and still need to pack. We are going to Minnesota, and it's a 12-hour drive so we're planning to take some farm paperwork with us.  No sense not being productive when we can.  I know, we're sick people.

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