Yay, we're done seeding. Well, technically we have a bit of hay barley to seed tomorrow and some millet for hay that we'll seed later. But, I think I hauled out my last meal for awhile anyway--that's a good feeling for me!
Last night M gave me chores to do today. Pretty funny, I thought--count the bulls (to make sure they are all still where they're supposed to be), feed the barn cats, and pet the baby kittens. Not too complicated or difficult and easily accomplished this morning. Then I made lunch and took it to the guys. The only extra running I had to do was to take C to get his semi which had been left a few moves ago. While there I watched a raccoon commit suicide by running under the trailer. There was obviously something wrong with it so it was put out of it's misery.
I visited with my mom and my nephew for a little while and then headed home to mow. It took me about an hour to finish that job. I generally like to mow when it's warm out so I can put on some shorts and work on my tan. Not so today--I had on a coat, a hoodie and gloves and was a bit chilled by the time I was done. Although it was cool and a bit breezy, it was drier than the other day when I tried to mow so it did mow a bit easier. Now I need to find time to rake up all the clippings.
Tomorrow I'm off to my other job so they'll have to struggle on around here without me. I hope they're up to it.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Light at the End of the Tunnel
The guys got back to work today, and the end is in sight!! M did try to get some seeding done on Friday afternoon and worked a couple of hours in drizzle before the ground finally got too sticky and he had to quit. Then that night we got about 0.3" more rain. There were some severe storms in the area with some lightning damage to computers, TV's, etc. We didn't get any of that, thank goodness.
We went to the wedding of one of J's friends Saturday evening. J was an usher, and while he complained about the job, I think he had a good time hanging out with old friends. He doesn't get to do that often enough. It seems weird to me that his friends are getting married--they should still be little boys. Even weirder to realize that at least three of J's old girlfriends have babies!! Lots of speculation about whether J and K will be next. I'll believe it when I see it.
While we were at the wedding reception, the fencer for our neighbor called M to let him know that the pump for the neighbor's stock well was not working. M agreed to meet him this morning so they could find the problem. Turns out that the line from the power pole to the pump was fried, probably from a lightning strike. M had wire so they dug it out and replaced it. After that he headed to the field and got the boys rounded up. They had both stayed in Glasgow for the night after the wedding reception. My mother-in-law is gone, so I'm the head cook. I took lunch to the field and fed M and J and then read my book while I waited for R and C to get back. They had gone to pull the truck out that has been stuck in the field for at least a week, or is it two--I've lost track. They managed to get it out and loaded it with seed. After they ate, I took the service truck to town to fill the fuel tank and brought it back. By that time, they were close to finishing the section they were on and were soon ready to move west to R's again. R and I and K made two trips and got the four trucks moved. I did have a minute to visit with my mom and start washing some of R's dishes (because he begged and whined) before we headed back to get pickups.
J plans to work late and stay with R for the night. He's anxious to get finished. Not sure if they will finish tomorrow, but it's a good feeling to have the end in sight. Luck was with us today as a rain shower actually missed us.
I had planned to do some baking this afternoon or try to mow some grass or watch the race on TV, none of which happened since I left the house at noon and got home at 9 pm. I'd better be up early in the morning to do some baking so I have something to feed the guys tomorrow.
We went to the wedding of one of J's friends Saturday evening. J was an usher, and while he complained about the job, I think he had a good time hanging out with old friends. He doesn't get to do that often enough. It seems weird to me that his friends are getting married--they should still be little boys. Even weirder to realize that at least three of J's old girlfriends have babies!! Lots of speculation about whether J and K will be next. I'll believe it when I see it.
While we were at the wedding reception, the fencer for our neighbor called M to let him know that the pump for the neighbor's stock well was not working. M agreed to meet him this morning so they could find the problem. Turns out that the line from the power pole to the pump was fried, probably from a lightning strike. M had wire so they dug it out and replaced it. After that he headed to the field and got the boys rounded up. They had both stayed in Glasgow for the night after the wedding reception. My mother-in-law is gone, so I'm the head cook. I took lunch to the field and fed M and J and then read my book while I waited for R and C to get back. They had gone to pull the truck out that has been stuck in the field for at least a week, or is it two--I've lost track. They managed to get it out and loaded it with seed. After they ate, I took the service truck to town to fill the fuel tank and brought it back. By that time, they were close to finishing the section they were on and were soon ready to move west to R's again. R and I and K made two trips and got the four trucks moved. I did have a minute to visit with my mom and start washing some of R's dishes (because he begged and whined) before we headed back to get pickups.
J plans to work late and stay with R for the night. He's anxious to get finished. Not sure if they will finish tomorrow, but it's a good feeling to have the end in sight. Luck was with us today as a rain shower actually missed us.
I had planned to do some baking this afternoon or try to mow some grass or watch the race on TV, none of which happened since I left the house at noon and got home at 9 pm. I'd better be up early in the morning to do some baking so I have something to feed the guys tomorrow.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A hurricane and now......fog!
We swore that we had a hurricane on Monday night. The wind was howling and it was raining, and I swore that I wouldn't be able to sleep. The short night the night before must have helped that. We received over an inch of rain during the night. There were various reports around the area of things that blew over. I was surprised that all I noticed was that my fountain was tipped over. It was really windy again on Tuesday as I ventured to work. M had some business to do in town at the Farm Service Agency and met with an older couple to finalize a deal to buy some lots and grain bins in Richland, and he took me to lunch.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Sunny, no wind and temps in the 60s. M and R worked on some fencing and moved some cows. The newly purchased lots included the junk (treasure?) stored there which included an aluminum boat. The boys thought that was a fun thing so got it out immediately and took it to the river. The motor started right up so they used that to string wire across the river. It's always a dilemma about how they are going to do that. Last year, R stripped down to his undies and walked across. The water was too high and too cold to do that this time. R had his golden retriever puppy swimming for the first time along with Pete. I enjoyed the day by taking Cruiser for a walk before lunch and after lunch went with M to check the neighbor's cows that had pushed on some fences during the storm.
We also got the riding mower out of the shed and changed the oil, aired up the tires and brought it home. The back 40 was getting pretty tall and thick and was still plenty damp, but I started mowing. I made about three, maybe four, rounds around the yard when I started pushing up clippings with the front of the mower. I stopped and backed up and parts started falling out--a pulley and a belt. That was the end of my mowing for the day. I called M, told him I broke the mower, and said I'd come down and help him fence. He thought I was just trying to butter him up by helping since I broke the mower. I really wanted a reason to be outside on such a nice day. The fencing wasn't too difficult as the fence stood up really well during the winter. Just a couple of breaks to fix. The hardest part was getting to the fence since it is along the river and the river overflow and pretty boggy. When we got home he dismantled the mower and took parts to the shop to weld and got it back together so it's ready to go again. The mower is way older than R, so it may be time to upgrade.
We woke up this morning to wet fog, and it hung around all day. Not exactly the drying day we needed. Also not a good day for mowing which I need. It was cool, too, and I think I saw a little frost on the roof of the pickup. Oh yeah, the wind was howling...again!! M had to haul a steer to Wolf Point to the butcher, and then this afternoon the vet was here to test bulls before they go to work. I've never seen how they test bulls, but I've heard it described, and I will spare you the details. My important job for the day was to cut J's hair since he is in a wedding this weekend. Talk about stressing me out--"remember, there are pictures and I can't wear a hat if you screw up." Like I have ever screwed up a hair cut--wait, yes I have. I have always cut hair for all my guys, and I always tell them if they complain I'm going to start charging....or, they could go to a professional and PAY for a hair cut. It turned out okay, though. I was very careful.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Sunny, no wind and temps in the 60s. M and R worked on some fencing and moved some cows. The newly purchased lots included the junk (treasure?) stored there which included an aluminum boat. The boys thought that was a fun thing so got it out immediately and took it to the river. The motor started right up so they used that to string wire across the river. It's always a dilemma about how they are going to do that. Last year, R stripped down to his undies and walked across. The water was too high and too cold to do that this time. R had his golden retriever puppy swimming for the first time along with Pete. I enjoyed the day by taking Cruiser for a walk before lunch and after lunch went with M to check the neighbor's cows that had pushed on some fences during the storm.
We also got the riding mower out of the shed and changed the oil, aired up the tires and brought it home. The back 40 was getting pretty tall and thick and was still plenty damp, but I started mowing. I made about three, maybe four, rounds around the yard when I started pushing up clippings with the front of the mower. I stopped and backed up and parts started falling out--a pulley and a belt. That was the end of my mowing for the day. I called M, told him I broke the mower, and said I'd come down and help him fence. He thought I was just trying to butter him up by helping since I broke the mower. I really wanted a reason to be outside on such a nice day. The fencing wasn't too difficult as the fence stood up really well during the winter. Just a couple of breaks to fix. The hardest part was getting to the fence since it is along the river and the river overflow and pretty boggy. When we got home he dismantled the mower and took parts to the shop to weld and got it back together so it's ready to go again. The mower is way older than R, so it may be time to upgrade.
We woke up this morning to wet fog, and it hung around all day. Not exactly the drying day we needed. Also not a good day for mowing which I need. It was cool, too, and I think I saw a little frost on the roof of the pickup. Oh yeah, the wind was howling...again!! M had to haul a steer to Wolf Point to the butcher, and then this afternoon the vet was here to test bulls before they go to work. I've never seen how they test bulls, but I've heard it described, and I will spare you the details. My important job for the day was to cut J's hair since he is in a wedding this weekend. Talk about stressing me out--"remember, there are pictures and I can't wear a hat if you screw up." Like I have ever screwed up a hair cut--wait, yes I have. I have always cut hair for all my guys, and I always tell them if they complain I'm going to start charging....or, they could go to a professional and PAY for a hair cut. It turned out okay, though. I was very careful.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Racing the Rain
The motto around here lately should be "don't make plans". I had "planned" to go to work today, but those plans got changed. M and J got to bed after 1:00 am last night and were up at 4:30 am to head back to the field since rain was in the forecast again. They were going to be moving again and requested that I stay home if I could to help if it looked like the rain was going to hold off.
I did stay home from work and was out of the house about 7:00 am to pick up C to go to the sprayer and R to get one of the fertilizer trucks. Then I took a brisk walk (45 degrees plus wind) to move a second fertilizer truck after helping M fill his drill. The hours until lunch consisted of moving trucks across muddy trails. THe fields were only marginally dry enough to be seeding. After lunch, R and I went to get loads of fertilizer and then went to try to pull out the truck that's been stuck since last week to no avail. That was my last assignment for the day, and I was home by about 5:00. Rain was falling in various areas, but didn't really set in until about 6:00 pm, so the guys did get a pretty good day in after all.
It's raining pretty hard now and the wind is howling and M is sound asleep on the couch. Maybe I'll make it to work tomorrow.
I did stay home from work and was out of the house about 7:00 am to pick up C to go to the sprayer and R to get one of the fertilizer trucks. Then I took a brisk walk (45 degrees plus wind) to move a second fertilizer truck after helping M fill his drill. The hours until lunch consisted of moving trucks across muddy trails. THe fields were only marginally dry enough to be seeding. After lunch, R and I went to get loads of fertilizer and then went to try to pull out the truck that's been stuck since last week to no avail. That was my last assignment for the day, and I was home by about 5:00. Rain was falling in various areas, but didn't really set in until about 6:00 pm, so the guys did get a pretty good day in after all.
It's raining pretty hard now and the wind is howling and M is sound asleep on the couch. Maybe I'll make it to work tomorrow.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
More Complications
I swear this planting season will never end. M thought he could probably start seeding again this afternoon since it was sunny and we had 30+ mph winds which should have dried things out a bit. I went to Richland for fertilizer and Ryan brought the seed truck, and we headed to the field. J brought another fertilizer truck and R and I were going to come back for the third fertilizer truck if J thought it was dry enough for him to go. He was checking his drill and realized it was broken, and it took over 4 HOURS to fix it. It was dark the other night when he stopped so didn't realize there was a problem. He is getting pretty frustrated, thinking that we'll never get done. R took M's tractor while M helped J work on his drill and then went to pre-spray at the next field they'll be moving to since C took the weekend off. It probably won't be too late a night, though, because it is only marginally dry enough for J to go.
It will be a relief to go to my pharmacy job tomorrow, but then the in-laws are leaving so I'll be on my own to take care of everyone. HELP!!!
It will be a relief to go to my pharmacy job tomorrow, but then the in-laws are leaving so I'll be on my own to take care of everyone. HELP!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Rain....and Mud!
The guys were not fortunate enough last night to miss the rain. I was looking at the radar and thought if they could miss one shower maybe they could go late in the night and feel like they got something done. No luck, however. The rain hit, and they tried to get the trucks out and made it about 50 feet. Luckily, they had a 4WD pickup so they could get home.
J was out first thing this morning and we set out to try to get the trucks out. We had to follow a trail through two pastures and then through fields that had just been planted. It wasn't raining at that time. We took one to the first gate while J got another one started (required jumper cables) and left it on the grass and went back to get the third one. As we headed back it started to rain lightly. J headed to the quonset and M left his truck at the main road, and we went back to get the third before it got too wet and muddy. It was raining harder by that time, but we got the trucks back to shelter without incident other than me going sideways a couple of times with the pickup. I was glad no one saw me!
This afternoon I planted flowers in the rain. They came in the mail yesterday so I didn't want to let them sit any longer than necessary. It wasn't raining when I went out to do it, but the rain started as I was planting so I was a bit wet by the time I was done. Of course, the rain stopped and there was actually some sunshine right after I came in.
Looks like we'll spend the evening watching NASCAR and going to a graduation party for our neighbor's son instead of burning the midnight oil in the field.
J was out first thing this morning and we set out to try to get the trucks out. We had to follow a trail through two pastures and then through fields that had just been planted. It wasn't raining at that time. We took one to the first gate while J got another one started (required jumper cables) and left it on the grass and went back to get the third one. As we headed back it started to rain lightly. J headed to the quonset and M left his truck at the main road, and we went back to get the third before it got too wet and muddy. It was raining harder by that time, but we got the trucks back to shelter without incident other than me going sideways a couple of times with the pickup. I was glad no one saw me!
This afternoon I planted flowers in the rain. They came in the mail yesterday so I didn't want to let them sit any longer than necessary. It wasn't raining when I went out to do it, but the rain started as I was planting so I was a bit wet by the time I was done. Of course, the rain stopped and there was actually some sunshine right after I came in.
Looks like we'll spend the evening watching NASCAR and going to a graduation party for our neighbor's son instead of burning the midnight oil in the field.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Exhausting days....
The past two days have been eventful and exhausting. Yesterday I left the house at 7 am and got home for the night at 6 pm. The place where J was seeding got dumped on with almost an inch of rain in 45 minutes the night before so the first thing we had to do was get his drill and trucks moved out of there back to home where it had only sprinkled. J, C, uncle and I headed over, 25+ miles west, to move things back. However, the seed truck got stuck in the field there and is still there since it rained again last night. That was complication number one for the day. We also had to move the sprayer and water truck out of there. I flagged J back home where he discovered a flat tire on the drill so had to run to Richland to get it fixed--complication number two. In the meantime, M was seeding north and east of here and blew a hydraulic hose so had to run to town and get that fixed--complication number three. R brought a fertilizer truck to the next spot J would be moving to and I met him there to give him a ride to his next assignment. As I drove by the sprayer, I noticed C was working on it since it had no pressure--complication number 4. I took R back to his place to get another fertilizer truck. L had lunch at the field when we got back. We were still short a seed truck so M filled his drill and his dad brought the truck to town where R filled it and took it to J. I think at that point, I got to be home for about an hour. Then later we had to go to the field where M was to get a truck and two pickups since he was finishing up and was going to move to where J was. As we headed up there it started to rain and it rained hard, so there was then a mad scramble to get the three fertilizer trucks to shelter. I think everyone was glad the day was over.
First thing this morning, since it was wet, we went to R's and moved cow-calf pairs from the little pasture by his house to their summer pasture. While we were doing that, J moved M's tractor and drill since the rain kept him from getting it moved the whole way last night. C was trying to get the water truck to the sprayer but got stuck and had to leave it so we came and picked him up on our way home as well as J when he got the tractor and drill moved over. When we got back, L had burgers ready for us so we ate and made a plan for the rest of the day. I went to town and brought a fertilizer truck to my house until they needed me to bring it over to the field. They finally got started seeding about 2 pm. It was still a bit wet but they went anyway. There is more rain in the forecast and we still have a couple thousand acres to get seeded.
I managed to have enough time to get my lawn mowed and raked before I got the call to bring the truck to the field. R brought another fertilizer truck and then we brought the empty seed truck back so he could load it again and take it back. He's on call in case it rains and we need to get the fertilizer trucks inside again. I think I'm done with field work for the day, but no one did my dishes or folded my laundry or vacuumed while I was gone, so I'd better get started on those chores.
First thing this morning, since it was wet, we went to R's and moved cow-calf pairs from the little pasture by his house to their summer pasture. While we were doing that, J moved M's tractor and drill since the rain kept him from getting it moved the whole way last night. C was trying to get the water truck to the sprayer but got stuck and had to leave it so we came and picked him up on our way home as well as J when he got the tractor and drill moved over. When we got back, L had burgers ready for us so we ate and made a plan for the rest of the day. I went to town and brought a fertilizer truck to my house until they needed me to bring it over to the field. They finally got started seeding about 2 pm. It was still a bit wet but they went anyway. There is more rain in the forecast and we still have a couple thousand acres to get seeded.
I managed to have enough time to get my lawn mowed and raked before I got the call to bring the truck to the field. R brought another fertilizer truck and then we brought the empty seed truck back so he could load it again and take it back. He's on call in case it rains and we need to get the fertilizer trucks inside again. I think I'm done with field work for the day, but no one did my dishes or folded my laundry or vacuumed while I was gone, so I'd better get started on those chores.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Another one of those days
I had another one of those days where I left the house to deliver lunch and arrived home six hours later. M and C were close to home while R and J were about 25 miles away. I went west to the boys and after lunch helped R move a couple of pickups since J should be finishing up where he's at right now and moving some time this evening. There were still three trucks to go, but J was going to have to fill his drill at least one more time so we couldn't take them yet. Not sure how those are going to get moved.
As I was on my way home from there C called to see if I could help him with a computer problem in his sprayer. The data card was full so the system wouldn't let him do anything, and he couldn't figure out how to clear it and didn't have another one. When I got back to Richland where he was, I tried to help by reading the manual to no avail. He was finally able to get in touch with someone at the John Deere dealership in Glasgow who told him he was going to need a new card since we would need a mobile device to download the information to in order to clean up the card. It's all very high tech these days--nothing is simple anymore. I was afraid I was going to have to make a flying trip to Glasgow (150 mile round trip) to get a new card because C needed to get another load sprayed off so that he wouldn't get behind the drill. Luckily, it occurred to me that my sister-in-law might be working in Glasgow and on her way home. She was and was nice enough to pick up the new card for us and bring it back to my mom's which is close to where C was moving to anyway. She was back before I could have gotten there and back. Thank goodness it all worked out and the timing was perfect. It's not uncommon for the parts stores to leave parts outside in case someone needs to pick them up after hours. It's also not uncommon for parts to find rides with whomever may have stopped in the store that day and is heading the right direction.
My mother-in-law was so relieved when I called her this morning to let her know I didn't have to go to work today or for the rest of the week. She's tired and ready to call it a season so I'm trying to do what I can to relieve her of some of her load. I felt bad that I was no help on the weekend since I had to go pick up my mom on Saturday and then on Sunday had a migraine and didn't leave the couch until the afternoon. There is light at the end of the tunnel since we should finish seeding in less than a week.
As I was on my way home from there C called to see if I could help him with a computer problem in his sprayer. The data card was full so the system wouldn't let him do anything, and he couldn't figure out how to clear it and didn't have another one. When I got back to Richland where he was, I tried to help by reading the manual to no avail. He was finally able to get in touch with someone at the John Deere dealership in Glasgow who told him he was going to need a new card since we would need a mobile device to download the information to in order to clean up the card. It's all very high tech these days--nothing is simple anymore. I was afraid I was going to have to make a flying trip to Glasgow (150 mile round trip) to get a new card because C needed to get another load sprayed off so that he wouldn't get behind the drill. Luckily, it occurred to me that my sister-in-law might be working in Glasgow and on her way home. She was and was nice enough to pick up the new card for us and bring it back to my mom's which is close to where C was moving to anyway. She was back before I could have gotten there and back. Thank goodness it all worked out and the timing was perfect. It's not uncommon for the parts stores to leave parts outside in case someone needs to pick them up after hours. It's also not uncommon for parts to find rides with whomever may have stopped in the store that day and is heading the right direction.
My mother-in-law was so relieved when I called her this morning to let her know I didn't have to go to work today or for the rest of the week. She's tired and ready to call it a season so I'm trying to do what I can to relieve her of some of her load. I felt bad that I was no help on the weekend since I had to go pick up my mom on Saturday and then on Sunday had a migraine and didn't leave the couch until the afternoon. There is light at the end of the tunnel since we should finish seeding in less than a week.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Road Trip
Spent almost 8 hours in the car today but actually did go somewhere. I drove 270 miles to Lewistown for lunch. I didn't really go there just for lunch. I met my brother from Livingston and my mom who flew in from Arizona a couple of days ago and brought her home for the summer. I had told my brother I should make it there in 3 1/2 hours not being sure of the miles. As I got down the road and did some mental calculation of the time and distance, I realized I'd better put the pedal down if I was going to get there by 12:30. There's a lot of nothing and not much traffic on the trip so I was able to do just that. We joke that a heavy foot is "genetical" in our family. It's probably from living in the middle of nowhere and all the miles we drive.
While I was in Lewistown I went to the cemetery to put flowers on the grave of a good friend who has been gone for 17 years. I still miss her and can't believe she's been gone that long. She'll be forever 29 and gone much, much too soon.
Once I got Mom home and hauled in her bags and groceries, I planted some "vases" at my dad's and niece's graves and put fresh flowers out. The vases are made from truck horns that my brother-in-law found and sent to me after we had talked about the idea last summer. My dad always hated fake flowers so we don't ever put any out for him. This way we can put water in the vases for real flowers. My dad's 85th birthday was yesterday so I wanted to give him some flowers.
It was a long day, but a nice day for a drive, and I'm glad my mom is back home for a few months.
While I was in Lewistown I went to the cemetery to put flowers on the grave of a good friend who has been gone for 17 years. I still miss her and can't believe she's been gone that long. She'll be forever 29 and gone much, much too soon.
Once I got Mom home and hauled in her bags and groceries, I planted some "vases" at my dad's and niece's graves and put fresh flowers out. The vases are made from truck horns that my brother-in-law found and sent to me after we had talked about the idea last summer. My dad always hated fake flowers so we don't ever put any out for him. This way we can put water in the vases for real flowers. My dad's 85th birthday was yesterday so I wanted to give him some flowers.
It was a long day, but a nice day for a drive, and I'm glad my mom is back home for a few months.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Best Laid Plans
Once again, I had a lot of things I wanted to accomplish today but my plans got changed. I was barely done drinking my morning tea when M called to say that I needed to head to Richland because J needed my help to get ready to move his tractor and drill. Off I went to help fuel up the service truck and calibrate the drill since he was switching to green lentils. We took off from town at about 10 am to head 25 miles west. The trip at 10 to 15 mph took roughly two hours. I noticed that traveling at that slow speed gave me time to check out the rock piles along the way. I'm always scouting for that unique rock. Of course, most of the ones I want are too much for me to lift.
L came over with lunch, P brought a pickup, uncle brought a truck, and C had brought over a load of chemical and bags of inoculant and was on the sprayer. We had lunch and then went to where M was seeding and moved two trucks for him. I got home about six hours later. L was hoping to have time to run to town for groceries so we didn't dally.
It was a beautiful day, sunny, warm, very little wind. I planted a weeping willow tree and took the dogs for a walk. We hadn't gotten very far when Pete saw a skunk. He backed off right away but Cruiser did not, and he's deaf so I couldn't call him back. He circled it and followed it and, as a result, stinks to high heaven. I tried to get him in the tub when we got home but couldn't do it by myself so he is banished to the outdoors for the time being and not liking that at all.
I thought my day was done but R didn't have enough fuel in his tractor to finish rolling where he was at . All of the fuel wagons are 25 miles away, so I had to go get him and take him back to town to his pickup. M will have to fuel up his tractor in the morning.
Another typical, busy day.
L came over with lunch, P brought a pickup, uncle brought a truck, and C had brought over a load of chemical and bags of inoculant and was on the sprayer. We had lunch and then went to where M was seeding and moved two trucks for him. I got home about six hours later. L was hoping to have time to run to town for groceries so we didn't dally.
It was a beautiful day, sunny, warm, very little wind. I planted a weeping willow tree and took the dogs for a walk. We hadn't gotten very far when Pete saw a skunk. He backed off right away but Cruiser did not, and he's deaf so I couldn't call him back. He circled it and followed it and, as a result, stinks to high heaven. I tried to get him in the tub when we got home but couldn't do it by myself so he is banished to the outdoors for the time being and not liking that at all.
I thought my day was done but R didn't have enough fuel in his tractor to finish rolling where he was at . All of the fuel wagons are 25 miles away, so I had to go get him and take him back to town to his pickup. M will have to fuel up his tractor in the morning.
Another typical, busy day.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
So Much To Do!
It was one of those days where I had so many things I wanted to accomplish and knew my time was limited so I had to prioritize. Of course, I didn't know when I got up this morning that I would spend a couple of hours helping to move machinery. The most important chore of the day was to wash my car--it was SO muddy!! I was thinking yesterday that I probably didn't need to use turn signals because the car was so muddy that they probably couldn't be seen anyway. I got that done just before L came to get me to take lunch and help move machinery.
The guys moved from Richland to Glentana, about 10 miles or so, looking for a place that was dry enough to seed. We had to move 2 tractors and drills, 3 trucks, a pickup and the service truck. There were 5 of us so it only took two trips. I told them we had to get moving because I only had two hours before I had to go get my hair cut. I'm pretty sure they didn't care about that, but I did get home with 30 minutes to spare! I drive 47 miles (one way) to get my hair cut so it takes some planning and a bigger block of time to make it happen.
R spent the day rolling pea and lentil ground. For the non-farmers, that entails pulling a big heavy roller over the fields that have been seeded to peas or lentils. Peas and lentils don't grow very tall so we roll the ground to push down rocks and drill rows to make it easier to harvest. We try not to seed those crops where we have a lot of rocks, but we have rocks pretty much everywhere!
It was a pretty nice day so about 6:00 pm I took the dogs for a walk since I didn't get to it this morning. I didn't get everything done today that I wanted to--there just weren't enough hours. Pretty sure I should have gotten up earlier. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
The guys moved from Richland to Glentana, about 10 miles or so, looking for a place that was dry enough to seed. We had to move 2 tractors and drills, 3 trucks, a pickup and the service truck. There were 5 of us so it only took two trips. I told them we had to get moving because I only had two hours before I had to go get my hair cut. I'm pretty sure they didn't care about that, but I did get home with 30 minutes to spare! I drive 47 miles (one way) to get my hair cut so it takes some planning and a bigger block of time to make it happen.
R spent the day rolling pea and lentil ground. For the non-farmers, that entails pulling a big heavy roller over the fields that have been seeded to peas or lentils. Peas and lentils don't grow very tall so we roll the ground to push down rocks and drill rows to make it easier to harvest. We try not to seed those crops where we have a lot of rocks, but we have rocks pretty much everywhere!
It was a pretty nice day so about 6:00 pm I took the dogs for a walk since I didn't get to it this morning. I didn't get everything done today that I wanted to--there just weren't enough hours. Pretty sure I should have gotten up earlier. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
M woke me up this morning because he was making pancakes and then was going to go farming. When we finished breakfast he suggested that we go push the neighbor's cows into his pasture. They had left them in a small pasture so they could pair up and settle down from the ride yesterday. As we were leaving the house I commented that we hadn't gotten the rain and snow that was predicted. As we got on the 4-wheeler and headed out I noticed a few snowflakes. A few minutes later we were covered in heavy, wet snowflakes. The move didn't take long, but on the way back the wind and snow was in our faces--make that M's face since my face was in his back. I just had on jeans while he had on coveralls. I told him my kneecaps were freezing! Good thing we didn't have far to go. We were both cold and damp by the time we got home, and I took a shower to warm up.
On the way home we stopped to make sure a gate was closed and then went to check the heifers since we were in the neighborhood. We drove the hills and didn't find them but couldn't cross the coulee with the pickup because it was too wet so will have to go around by the road to check the other side of the pasture.
So much for the plan to go farming today. We had a lazy day at home instead, and M whipped up some BBQ beef in the crockpot for lunch. The snow turned to rain, back to snow and then to rain again. Now the sun is shining and the forecast is for sun for a few days now so hopefully the guys will get back in the field in the next day or two.
On the way home we stopped to make sure a gate was closed and then went to check the heifers since we were in the neighborhood. We drove the hills and didn't find them but couldn't cross the coulee with the pickup because it was too wet so will have to go around by the road to check the other side of the pasture.
So much for the plan to go farming today. We had a lazy day at home instead, and M whipped up some BBQ beef in the crockpot for lunch. The snow turned to rain, back to snow and then to rain again. Now the sun is shining and the forecast is for sun for a few days now so hopefully the guys will get back in the field in the next day or two.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Sun, finally!
We woke up to sun yesterday but had a bit of rain, sleet, and snow during the day. Things are drying out and we have had mostly sun today. The dogs and I finally got out for a walk which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. I dug up some prairie flowers and transplanted them to my flower bed as an experiment to see if they'll grow there. I also dug out grass from around my lilac bushes. Thought it was a good time to do it with the ground soft and as my sister-in-law said, it would be a shame to waste a " half-decent" day staying inside.
Everyone was busy with something today. R took the last heifer and her calf to pasture and checked on the bulls. J tried to spray, but reports it is still a bit muddy in the fields. M and C took trucks to Harlem to get cows and calves for a neighbor. He lives near Harlem but bought land that borders ours a couple of years ago. He winters his cows at Harlem and summers them here. The first run with the new cattle trailer.
M decided we should take his mom out for supper for Mother's Day along with C and our boys and R's girlfriend who is here for the weekend, so we did that last night. C's wife and J's girlfriend were both out of town. M is hoping the weather will be nice and they'll be too busy to spoil us on Mother's Day. The nearest restaurant is about 20 miles from our house, and it is run by a relative. We had good food and good company. I'm not sure the boys understand how much we enjoy being with them. I hope they enjoy being with us, too.
Everyone was busy with something today. R took the last heifer and her calf to pasture and checked on the bulls. J tried to spray, but reports it is still a bit muddy in the fields. M and C took trucks to Harlem to get cows and calves for a neighbor. He lives near Harlem but bought land that borders ours a couple of years ago. He winters his cows at Harlem and summers them here. The first run with the new cattle trailer.
M decided we should take his mom out for supper for Mother's Day along with C and our boys and R's girlfriend who is here for the weekend, so we did that last night. C's wife and J's girlfriend were both out of town. M is hoping the weather will be nice and they'll be too busy to spoil us on Mother's Day. The nearest restaurant is about 20 miles from our house, and it is run by a relative. We had good food and good company. I'm not sure the boys understand how much we enjoy being with them. I hope they enjoy being with us, too.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Snow........and Snow
I thought it was spring, but the ground was white this morning and it has been snowing all day. It's melting now, but I'm sure the ground will be white again tomorrow morning. We're going on 6 out of the last 7 days with rain or snow or both (only Monday was nice) and the forecast is not looking good. Thankfully, we didn't get the 60 mph winds that were predicted yesterday. There's a theory that rain occurs 90 days after fog. Well, we had 59 days of fog from January through March, so we're thinking we may have to start building an ark if that holds true. We have to look forward to all the green grass and flowers that the moisture will bring, but I'd still rather have that in the form of a warm spring rain rather than snowflakes.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Rain.......and Snow!
It has been a relatively uneventful few days. We are going on our third day of rain and woke up to some snow on the ground and the flurries continue--actually, more than flurries. There was a small bank of snow against the house this morning. Farther west some areas got 10 inches! I finally took the flannel sheets off the bed yesterday...that may have been a bit premature. You can never be sure when winter will end around here.

These irises bloom so early they get snowed on almost every year--you'd think they'd learn!
Our last heifer calved yesterday so that's one less thing to worry about. There are some late calving cows left but they are at R's so they are his problem. Well, not really, because he took advantage of the rain days and went to Havre to see his girlfriend so M had to go check on those cows this morning.
M used his time to work on his new (to him) cattle trailer. His good buy is looking less good now that his brother told him he needed new wheels and tires. He's got those on so it's ready to roll. He also needs to get busy and get the old trailer sold. I thought that was the deal since he was upgrading. I certainly don't think we need two and could find a better use for those $$$.
M always says we can't ever complain about rain and a few days to get a break are good, but I have a hunch that if this weather continues for too long they'll be getting a bit antsy to get back into the field--especially if I drag out the "honey do" list.
My front yard

These irises bloom so early they get snowed on almost every year--you'd think they'd learn!
Our last heifer calved yesterday so that's one less thing to worry about. There are some late calving cows left but they are at R's so they are his problem. Well, not really, because he took advantage of the rain days and went to Havre to see his girlfriend so M had to go check on those cows this morning.
M used his time to work on his new (to him) cattle trailer. His good buy is looking less good now that his brother told him he needed new wheels and tires. He's got those on so it's ready to roll. He also needs to get busy and get the old trailer sold. I thought that was the deal since he was upgrading. I certainly don't think we need two and could find a better use for those $$$.
M always says we can't ever complain about rain and a few days to get a break are good, but I have a hunch that if this weather continues for too long they'll be getting a bit antsy to get back into the field--especially if I drag out the "honey do" list.
My front yard
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