Sunday, May 30, 2010

Light at the End of the Tunnel

The guys got back to work today, and the end is in sight!!  M did try to get some seeding done on Friday afternoon and worked a couple of hours in drizzle before the ground finally got too sticky and he had to quit.  Then that night we got about 0.3" more rain.  There were some severe storms in the area with some lightning damage to computers, TV's, etc.  We didn't get any of that, thank goodness.

We went to the wedding of one of J's friends Saturday evening.  J was an usher, and while he complained about the job, I think he had a good time hanging out with old friends.  He doesn't get to do that often enough.  It seems weird to me that his friends are getting married--they should still be little boys.  Even weirder to realize that at least three of J's old girlfriends have babies!!  Lots of speculation about whether J and K will be next.  I'll believe it when I see it.

While we were at the wedding reception, the fencer for our neighbor called M to let him know that the pump for the neighbor's stock well was not working.  M agreed to meet him this morning so they could find the problem.  Turns out that the line from the power pole to the pump was fried, probably from a lightning strike.  M had wire so they dug it out and replaced it.  After that he headed to the field and got the boys rounded up.  They had both stayed in Glasgow for the night after the wedding reception.  My mother-in-law is gone, so I'm the head cook.  I took lunch to the field and fed M and J and then read my book while I waited for R and C to get back.  They had gone to pull the truck out that has been stuck in the field for at least a week, or is it two--I've lost track.  They managed to get it out and loaded it with seed.  After they ate, I took the service truck to town to fill the fuel tank and brought it back.  By that time, they were close to finishing the section they were on and were soon ready to move west to R's again.  R and I and K made two trips and got the four trucks moved.  I did have a minute to visit with my mom and start washing some of R's dishes (because he begged and whined) before we headed back to get pickups.

J plans to work late and stay with R for the night.  He's anxious to get finished.  Not sure if they will finish tomorrow, but it's a good feeling to have the end in sight.  Luck was with us today as a rain shower actually missed us.

I had planned to do some baking this afternoon or try to mow some grass or watch the race on TV, none of which happened since I left the house at noon and got home at 9 pm.  I'd better be up early in the morning to do some baking so I have something to feed the guys tomorrow.

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