I swear this planting season will never end. M thought he could probably start seeding again this afternoon since it was sunny and we had 30+ mph winds which should have dried things out a bit. I went to Richland for fertilizer and Ryan brought the seed truck, and we headed to the field. J brought another fertilizer truck and R and I were going to come back for the third fertilizer truck if J thought it was dry enough for him to go. He was checking his drill and realized it was broken, and it took over 4 HOURS to fix it. It was dark the other night when he stopped so didn't realize there was a problem. He is getting pretty frustrated, thinking that we'll never get done. R took M's tractor while M helped J work on his drill and then went to pre-spray at the next field they'll be moving to since C took the weekend off. It probably won't be too late a night, though, because it is only marginally dry enough for J to go.
It will be a relief to go to my pharmacy job tomorrow, but then the in-laws are leaving so I'll be on my own to take care of everyone. HELP!!!
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