These irises bloom so early they get snowed on almost every year--you'd think they'd learn!
Our last heifer calved yesterday so that's one less thing to worry about. There are some late calving cows left but they are at R's so they are his problem. Well, not really, because he took advantage of the rain days and went to Havre to see his girlfriend so M had to go check on those cows this morning.
M used his time to work on his new (to him) cattle trailer. His good buy is looking less good now that his brother told him he needed new wheels and tires. He's got those on so it's ready to roll. He also needs to get busy and get the old trailer sold. I thought that was the deal since he was upgrading. I certainly don't think we need two and could find a better use for those $$$.
M always says we can't ever complain about rain and a few days to get a break are good, but I have a hunch that if this weather continues for too long they'll be getting a bit antsy to get back into the field--especially if I drag out the "honey do" list.
My front yard
I finally figured out that I can't be a "follower" with my home computer for some reason, so had to do it from work. I'll have to find a picture somewhere. Love the iris - you need to get another one when the snow is off of them.