Yay, we're done seeding. Well, technically we have a bit of hay barley to seed tomorrow and some millet for hay that we'll seed later. But, I think I hauled out my last meal for awhile anyway--that's a good feeling for me!
Last night M gave me chores to do today. Pretty funny, I thought--count the bulls (to make sure they are all still where they're supposed to be), feed the barn cats, and pet the baby kittens. Not too complicated or difficult and easily accomplished this morning. Then I made lunch and took it to the guys. The only extra running I had to do was to take C to get his semi which had been left a few moves ago. While there I watched a raccoon commit suicide by running under the trailer. There was obviously something wrong with it so it was put out of it's misery.
I visited with my mom and my nephew for a little while and then headed home to mow. It took me about an hour to finish that job. I generally like to mow when it's warm out so I can put on some shorts and work on my tan. Not so today--I had on a coat, a hoodie and gloves and was a bit chilled by the time I was done. Although it was cool and a bit breezy, it was drier than the other day when I tried to mow so it did mow a bit easier. Now I need to find time to rake up all the clippings.
Tomorrow I'm off to my other job so they'll have to struggle on around here without me. I hope they're up to it.
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