Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So Much To Do!

It was one of those days where I had so many things I wanted to accomplish and knew my time was limited so I had to prioritize.  Of course, I didn't know when I got up this morning that I would spend a couple of hours helping to move machinery.  The most important chore of the day was to wash my car--it was SO muddy!!  I was thinking yesterday that I probably didn't need to use turn signals because the car was so muddy that they probably couldn't be seen anyway.  I got that done just before L came to get me to take lunch and help move machinery.

The guys moved from Richland to Glentana, about 10 miles or so, looking for a place that was dry enough to seed.  We had to move 2 tractors and drills, 3 trucks, a pickup and the service truck.  There were 5 of us so it only took two trips.  I told them we had to get moving because I only had two hours before I had to go get my hair cut.  I'm pretty sure they didn't care about that, but I did get home with 30 minutes to spare!  I drive 47 miles (one way) to get my hair cut so it takes some planning and a bigger block of time to make it happen.

R spent the day rolling pea and lentil ground.  For the non-farmers, that entails pulling a big heavy roller over the fields that have been seeded to peas or lentils.  Peas and lentils don't grow very tall so we roll the ground to push down rocks and drill rows to make it easier to harvest.  We try not to seed those crops where we have a lot of rocks, but we have rocks pretty much everywhere!

It was a pretty nice day so about 6:00 pm I took the dogs for a walk since I didn't get to it this morning.  I didn't get everything done today that I wanted to--there just weren't enough hours.  Pretty sure I should have gotten up earlier.  Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

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